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Research Paper


Title and Author


Cryptographic Randomness

 by Haile Eyob

Wolfram has studied Rule 30 in relation to cryptography and random number generation. The use of cellular automata computing is still on it infancy and the world of information security is mainly based on other encryption methods for its development.

Irreducibility and Unpredictability in Nature

by Harry Fu

It is worthwhile to examine some concept of emergence with property such as irreducibility and unpredictability seen in nature. These properties nevertheless emerge in many disciplines of science. The aim of this paper is to analyze examples using cellular automata model to depict this property’s existence in the world that human perceive.

Traffic Flow Simulation

by Henry Jiang

This paper describes traffic flow simulation using cellular automata. The cellular automata simulation is driven according to the local rule. which is defined as the local relationship between the neighboring cells.

Financial Markets

 by Tan Ma

This paper describes Financial Market simulation using Cellular Automata and the origin of its randomness . In this paper the author have given the simplest rule of cellular automata to the complicate rules for Financial System. cells.

Networks and Space

by Christine Meyer

Describes characteristics of networks with each node having 2 connections. Comparison between networks and space. Can networks be represented with the same characteristics as space?

Cellular Automata Models of Crystals

by Gauri Nadkarni

This paper describes some of the cellular automata models created for simulating crystal growth like the Packard's CA model and a 3D CA model of free dendritic growth. It also describes different kinds of crystals, their formation, and different patterns produced, specifically the snow crystals. 

Natural Selection and CAs

by Baohoi Nguyen

This paper explores the concepts of natural selection and CAs. The views of Darwin are discussed. Then we further elaborate on the idea of natural selection with Wolfram's ideology of natural selection and its correlation with CAs.

Reversible Cellular Automata

by Kwanghyun Paek

According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the entropy -a measure of the disorder in a system- should increase in a reversible system as the system evolves. While most 1D CA follow this law, Wolfram presented Rule 37R as a counter example. Despite of its reversibility, Rule 37R does not increase randomness, nor does it show simple predictable behavior; it continues to fluctuate. Does it explain how the universe becomes progressively more organized?

Self Reproducing Cellular Automata and Programs

 by Shruti Parihar

This paper is about Self Reproducing Cellular Automata, in particular the Artificial Life project. It sheds light on contributions by Von Neumann and Langton. Self Reproducing Machines like those proposed by NASA are also discussed.

Developing a New Kind of Science Website as a Software Projects Course

 by Rudy Rucker

Describes how Professor Rucker got his students to create the NKS-SJSU website as a class project for his Spring, 2003, graduate Software Projects course in the CS Department at San Jose State University. Includes course syllabus.

Ecological Simulations

 by Rukman Senanayake

This paper discusses the usage of Cellular Automata for ecological modeling in modern research. CAs have been used in many areas of ecological systems simulations such as gap dynamics, invasive spread behaviors and spatial competition among species.  The paper discusses major areas of research within this field as well as how CA are being coupled to other techniques (Such as GIS and Petri Nets) to better suit the task of ecological system simulation.

Digital Signal Processing, Cellular Automata, and Parallelism

 by Karl Schramm

This paper compares digital signal processors with cellular automata and explores a possible link between the two. The emphasis of the comparison is centered on the parallel nature of both devices. For digital signal processing, parallelism is discussed with regards to hardware as well as software. Additionally a brief overview of digital signal processing is provided. Topics covered in this overview include analog to digital signal conversion, sampling, superposition, decomposition, Fourier transformation, sinusoidal fidelity, and linearity.

Biological Pigmentation Patterns
and Reaction Diffusion Cellular Automata

  by Min Yang

In 1952, Alan Turing published a paper, The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis. In this paper, he considered a "ring" of identical cells containing various chemical substances, called morphogens, and the patterns result from interactions between these morphogens that diffuse in the medium and enter into chemical reactions with each other. This model is like a cellular automaton. My research paper will explain his work and other scientists' following research.




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