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Digital Signal Processing, Cellular Automata, and Parallelism

By Karl Schramm


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Digital Signal Processing, Cellular Automata, and Parallelism



This paper compares digital signal processors with cellular automata and explores a possible link between the two. The emphasis of the comparison is centered on the parallel nature of both devices.  For digital signal processing, parallelism is discussed with regards to hardware as well as software. Additionally a brief overview of digital signal processing is provided.  Topics covered in this overview include analog to digital signal conversion, sampling, superposition, decomposition, Fourier transformation, sinusoidal fidelity, and linearity.


            Cellular automata (CA) have long resided in the ethereal world of theoretical computing devices.  Over the years researchers from around the globe have developed various ways to represent these fictional machines in both hardware as well as software.  At MIT, students and researchers have built CAM-8 [2], a multiprocessor machine designed to mimic a CA.  The popular mathematical visualization application, Mathematica, has powerful tools for creating CAs in software [9].  Perhaps another incarnation of CAs, a more natural one, has existed all along.  Digital signal processing, carried out by digital signal processors, may represent a truly natural physical manifestation of these theoretical machines.  Here we examine this possible relationship between cellular automata and digital signal processing.

A Brief Tour of Digital Signal Processing

Digital signal processing first came on the scene in the 1960s, shortly after the advent of the digital computer, and is used in a broad range of applications, including: multiplexing, signal encoding, and compression in telecommunication systems, sound and video effects in the entertainment industry, image compression for space exploration, radar and sonar for military use, and medical imaging (CAT and MRI).

Digital signal processing is typically carried out by highly specialized microprocessors, known as digital signal processors, which perform only a single specific signal processing task.  Digital signal processors are so synonymous with the field of digital signal processing that they are both associated with the same acronym: DSP (To avoid confusion, from here onward we will only refer to digital signal processors as DSPs.).  With the increasing performance of today’s personal computers, DSPs can now be simulated in software.  However, there are many cases, such as embedded systems, where a cumbersome personal computer would not meet space, heat, or cost constraints. Additionally, digital signal processing calculations are often required to be carried out in realtime.  Such a restriction may be even too rigorous for today’s advanced personal computers.  It is for these reasons that DSPs are still the primary choice for digital signal processing applications.

From the top down view, a DSP is a fairly simple device.  It receives a signal through an input, applies a calculation to the signal, and outputs the result.  Of course, the calculations a DSP applies to a signal can be quite complex, but how it functions is still quite simple: new data goes in and altered data comes out.

            The signals that are fed into a DSP begin and end their lives as continuous analog waveforms.   Thus before a signal can be processed by a DSP it must first be converted into digital format.  A special DSP, known as an analog to digital converter (ADC), carries out the analog to digital conversion (A/D conversion).  The counterpart to the ADC is the digital to analog converter (DAC).  As one might expect, a DAC converts a digital signal to an analog signal (D/A conversion).

Figure 1. Conversion from an analog signal to a digital signal (A/D conversion). [6: page 37]

            An ADC converts an analog signal into digital by taking samples of the signal at regular intervals and outputting the results as a 1D array. The appropriate sampling frequency is determined by Shannon’s sampling theorem.  It states that it is necessary to sample a signal at a rate greater than double the highest frequency component in the signal in order to retain all the frequency components.  In other words, if a signal is sampled at a frequency less than twice the highest frequency of the signal, it may be impossible for a DSP to accurately reproduce the analog waveform from the sampled data.  This fact, coupled with the limited range of human hearing (20 Hz – 20 kHz) explains why CD-quality audio is sampled at a rate of 44.1 kHz.

Once in digital format, a signal can be passed from the ADC to other DSPs.  Typically several DSPs are connected in serial over a shared bus. Data is passed along the bus from DSP to DSP.  For instance, a typical arrangement in audio processing would be to begin with an ADC, following that would be a filter, after that a reverb, and finally a DAC to output the results.  Such a chain is pictured below in Figure 2.

Figure 2. A typical DSP chain.

DSPs and Cellular Automata

            There are several ways a DSP is like a cellular automata and vice versa.  Recall the definition of a cellular automaton.  A CA is comprised of a lattice of cells, arranged in any number of dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D, etc.).  Every cell contains a value.  With a Discrete CA, the value is either 1 or 0.  With a Continuous CA, the value can vary over a specified range. Typically this range is normalized so that all values lie between 0.0 and 1.0.  Each cell in the cellular lattice performs a function on the data that is passed to it from the previous generation of cells. The results of the function are then left behind for the next generation of cells to process. 

Figure 3.  A 1D Discrete CA and its corresponding processing rules. [9: page 32]

            Using this definition, a DSP can be viewed as a cellular automaton of sorts. Like a CA a DSP receives data, in this case a signal, performs a function on the data, and then outputs the results.  To be more specific, it would fall into the category of a 1D Continuous CA.  The reason for this categorization is fairly straightforward.  Like a 1D Continuous CA, a DSP receives a 1D array of data that is continuous over a limited range.  Recall that a digitally sampled signal is simply an array of values that are limited to the range of the sampling equipment.

There is a problem with this analogy, however.  To apply a DSP operation, say signal encoding, we traditionally use only one DSP to perform this operation.  On the other hand, a 1D CA is comprised of an array of cells. Of course a single DSP can be considered an array of size 1, but we need to consider that parallel cell operation is a key element of CAs.  As it turns out, there are ways of using several DSPs in parallel to perform an operation.  We will cover this topic in greater detail shortly.

There are other ways we can visualize symmetry between DSPs and CAs.  In a serial chain of DSPs, we can imagine each DSP in the chain as a different generation of cellular automata.  As the data is passed from one DSP to another, it passes down successive generations of computation.   Once the data passes the final DSP in the chain, the computation is complete.  The major difference with this model and the traditional CA is that each DSP in a serial chain may perform different calculations.  In cellular automata the calculation remains constant throughout each generation.

            It is worth noting that a CA can also simulate a DSP.  More correctly stated, a CA can be used to manipulate and generate signals.  This can be done in at least two ways.  In the first approach we divide the range of possible cell values into subsets.  Each subset is assigned a tone, typically a musical note or a MIDI value.  After an iteration of the CA, the tones corresponding to the CA’s current state can be played by a tone generator much like a player piano in a Western saloon. A technique similar to this is employed by the application CAMUS [3].  Rather than creating tones based on cell values, CAMUS bases them on cell positions.

The other method of generating signals from a CA is to interpret each row as a snapshot of a waveform. The values of the cells would then be construed as a discrete set of sample points of a signal where each cell’s value represents the amplitude of the signal at a particular instant.  The signal is then output to a DAC.  The Java applet CASound [5] uses this approach with a 1D Continuous CA to synthesize sounds in realtime.


            By their very nature cellular automata are parallel computers.  When a CA iterates from generation to generation, every cell performs a calculation.  Of course these calculations can be processed in a serial manner and in many CA implementations they are.  But in theory these calculations are performed at the same time in lock step.  According to the Flynn classification, a CA would be categorized as a SIMD (single instruction multiple data-stream) machine. The reason for this being that the cells of a CA are, in essence, data streams and the cells, while numerous, all perform the same operation.

            Suffice to say, parallelism is a rather important aspect of a CA.  It is this feature that allows CAs to model particle systems such as fluid dynamics or the growth of a crystal lattice.  So if a DSP or any other system were to be compared with a CA it must exhibit some sort of parallelism.  On the surface, however, digital signal processing is a seemingly serial task.  Data is input to the DSP, a calculation is performed on it, and the final result is then output.  This notion of serial operation is further compounded by the fact that DSPs are often linked together in a serial fashion on a shared bus.  Each DSP receives a signal, modifies it, and then outputs the results for the next element in the chain.  While serial operation may have occurred in early DSPs, many modern DSPs carry out operations in parallel.  Because DSPs are often required to process data in realtime, they are highly optimized for efficiency.  Part of this optimization is parallelization.

Data Parallelism

Parallel processing requires a “divide and conquer” strategy in order to be maximally efficient. Therefore in order for a system to be parallelizable, the data that it processes should be parallelizable as well.  For instance, a CA’s data is typically stored in a highly compartmentalized form: namely a grid or an array.  Because a CA’s data is so rigidly sectionalized, each cell can carry out its calculation without altering the results of the surrounding cells.

By the same token, the signal data used by DSPs is compartmentalized as well because it is stored as a stream or an array.  It is therefore quite parallel and well suited for many parallel operations.  For instance, a general approach to a signal-smoothing filter is to average the values of a data point and its surrounding neighbors.  Clearly this problem is easily parallelizable.  Several DSPs can process different parts of the signal without tampering the results of the others.  However, there are many problems in digital signal processing that cannot be solved by simply altering the raw digital signal data.  For these problems we need a more complicated solution that also happens to be quite parallelizable.

In digital signal processing signals are often decomposed into smaller, simpler signals.  This decomposition is done for several reasons.  Here we outline two of them.  First of all, simpler, uniform signals are easier to process.  Secondly, and most importantly, decomposition provides a means to determine an approximation of the equation that produced the signal. Acquiring a signal’s equation, or an approximation thereof, is crucial for many digital signal processing operations such as encoding or decoding data on a carrier signal, frequency analysis, multi-band filtering, or equalization.  And as a bonus, decomposition provides us with perfectly parallelizable data.

Figure 4. Signal decomposition and superposition. [6: page 98]

After decomposition, each of these smaller, simpler signals are processed individually.  The resulting signals are simply added together to form the final result.  Thus the final signal is a superposition of many smaller, simpler signals.  Summing up the decomposed and processed signals will only work properly if the calculations that are applied to it are linear. Fortunately, most digital signal processing operations are linear and those that are not can be approximated by a linear system.  A system is linear if it has two properties: homogeneity and additivity.  The homogeneity property means that any alteration in the input signal's amplitude results in a corresponding alteration in the output signal's amplitude.  A system is considered to be additive if, for any two inputs, the sum of the corresponding outputs is the same as if the sum of the two inputs had been processed directly by the system. 

There are many techniques for decomposing a signal such as impulse decomposition, step decomposition, even/odd decomposition, and interlaced decomposition. However, Fourier decomposition remains the most popular due to the many advantages of sine waves. Sine waves are favored because they are uniform, easy to process, and, according to the work of Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, in combination can suitably approximate any other waveform.  But the most important property of sine waves is sinusoidal fidelity. Sinusoidal fidelity guarantees us that if the input to a linear system is a sine wave, the output will be a sine wave at exactly the same frequency as the input.  In other words, if a sine wave is processed by a linear system only a change in phase and amplitude will be seen in the resulting signal.

Figure 5(a). Fourier transform. Here X is the set of frequencies, x is the set of sample points, and t is the instantaneous moment of time.

Figure 5(b). Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).  Here X is the set of frequencies and x is the set of sample points.

Figure 5(c). Euler’s relationship.  Using this relationship we can see how a Fourier transform decomposes a signal into sine and cosine waves.

            As we can see in Figure 5, Fourier decomposition decomposes a signal into a several sinusoidal signals.  A signal with N samples will be decomposed to N signals, where each new signal will have N samples apiece. Half of these N signals are cosines; the other half sine waves.   Unfortunately, Fourier decomposition is extremely computationally expensive for digital computers because it involves integration.  The technique actually utilized in digital signal processing is the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), a modified Fourier transform that deals with discrete, rather than continuous values.  A DFT requires only summation rather than integration, thus making for a more efficient and readily parallelizable approach.  It is worth noting that most, if not all, DSPs use a modified form of the DFT called the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).  The FFT is basically a highly optimized version of the DFT.

Hardware Parallelism

            There are primarily two many ways in which a DSP achieves parallelization in hardware: one internal and one external.  The internal parallelization does not have quite as drastic an effect on the performance of a DSP as the external one, but when dealt with the rigorous time constraint of realtime processing, DSP designers felt it necessary to utilize any trick they could to squeeze every possible bit of performance out of the chips.

            Internally, most modern day microprocessors are designed with the Von Neumann architecture in mind.  Many DSPs, on the other hand, are designed with the Harvard architecture in mind.  The primary difference between these two competing architectures is that the Harvard architecture has separate memory banks and buses for instructions and data.  Since the buses and memory stores are separate, data and instructions can be fetched in the same clock cycle, thus bearing some limited internal parallel operation.

Figure 6.  A comparison of the Von Neumann and Harvard Architectures. [6: page 511]

            There are architectures that improve upon the Harvard architecture, namely Analog Devices’ Super Harvard Architecture, or SHARC.  The main improvements SHARC designers brought about include an instruction cache and an I/O controller.  As one might expect, a DSP algorithm spends most of its time in a loop, repeating operations many times over. An instruction cache retains several of the most recently requested instructions in registers within the central processing unit (CPU), thereby reducing the number of requests to the instruction memory bank and improving performance. The I/O controller allows the DSP to offload any I/O operations, thus saving CPU cycles that would normally be wasted with I/O requests.

            The performance gains achieved by the Harvard architecture and its variants are respectable, but somewhat limited.  A greater performance boost could be achieved by linking several DSPs together to form a multiprocessor DSP. Fortunately, this is quite possible and quite common with DSPs.  DSPs can be arranged in both SIMD (Single Input Multiple Data stream) and MIMD (Multiple Input Single Data stream) parallel processing configurations.  In the MIMD configuration, each DSP operates individually, executing different functions.  In the SIMD configuration, the DSPs perform the exact same operation on a different subset of the signal much like the cells of a CA. With this approach, a complete DSP operation can be performed on the entire set of data in a single step given a sufficient number of DSPs.

            When linking multiple processors together, DSP or otherwise, a certain amount of external control logic is necessary.  Tasks such as directing data flow and job distribution are issued by what is known as “glue” logic.  Amazingly, many DSPs have this “glue” logic built in and are designed for multiple processing straight out of the box. Most notable among these processors are the aforementioned SHARC processors from Analog Devices and the Texas Instruments TMS320.


            Though DSPs do not make for an idyllic CA, there is a strong resemblance.  Most notable of these common characteristics is their use of parallelism.  As we know, CAs are the perfect SIMD multiprocessor machine.  However, CAs are purely theoretical.  We also know that DSPs can be, and often are, arranged in SIMD multiprocessor arrangements.  Thus making them quite the natural multiprocessor machines and a natural cellular automaton incarnate.  A marriage of the abstract and real seems to be a perfect fit.  And perhaps it is.

In August of 2002, IBM, Sony, and Toshiba announced that they are developing a new massively parallel microprocessor technology.  The technology, dubbed “Cell”, features anywhere from 4 to 16 general-purpose processor cores, known as “cells”, on one chip.  These “cells” communicate with each other via a high-speed communication bus that is embedded within the chip. Devices utilizing a “Cell” chip can be connected together over a high-speed network to perform distributed computing tasks.  Sony’s next home video gaming console, the Playstation 3, is rumored to be the first device to use “Cell” technology.  Sony’s plans for the “Cell” chip are reported to include processing streaming multimedia data over a network so that multiple users can play games over broad distances [7]. Cells, processing streaming media, and massive parallelism: this sounds terribly familiar.  DSPs, CAs, and parallelism may be set to invade the home if Sony’s plans come to fruition.  Perhaps then we can see just how perfect this match may be.


[1]       Lyons, R.  (2001).  Understanding Digital Signal Processing.

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


[2]       Margolus, N.  (1993).  “CAM-8: A Computer Architecture Based on Cellular Automata”.

            Cambridge, MA: MIT Laboratory of Computer Science.

Available: http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/nhm/cam8.pdf


[3]       Miranda, E.  (2002).  “CAMUS: A Cellular Automata Music Generator”.

Available: http://website.lineone.net/~edandalex/camus.htm


[4]       Rorabaugh, C.  (1998).  DSP Primer.

New York: McGraw-Hill.


[5]       Schramm, K.  (2003).  “CASound: Sound Synthesizing 1D CA”.

Available: http://sjsu.rudyrucker.com/~karl.schramm/applet/


[6]       Smith, S.  (1997).  The Scientist and Engineer's  Guide to Digital Signal Processing.

San Diego, CA: California Technical Publishing.


[7]       Spooner, J.,  (August 6, 2002).  “Chip trio allows glimpse into ‘Cell’”.

CNET News.com

Available: http://news.com.com/2100-1001-948493.html?tag=fd_top


[8]       Wilkinson, B. & Allen, M.  (1998).  Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers.

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


[9]       Wolfram, S. (2001).  A New Kind of Science.

Champaign, IL: Wolfram Media, Inc.


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