Continuous Valued 1D CA
Source Code
This is an applet that demonstrates Continuous valued 1D Cellular Automata. It implements the following generic rule with 4 input
parameters, values of which are between 0 and 1. Should you enter values larger
than 1.0, they will be truncated to the fractional part.
New C = mul * ((LeftWt * L + C + RightWt * R) / (LeftWt + RightWt + 1)) + Inc
Using the Applet
The applet starts with
Left weight 0.89, Right Weight 1.0, Increment 0.045 and Multiplier 1.0. You can change the parameters with
the parameter window. It will pop up when you click the "Parameters" button. To record your values, click "Set".
The "Random Rule" button will randomize the parameter values, which
can seen or modified through the "Parameters" dialog box.
The other buttons are pretty self-
explanatory, "Toggle" will toggle the pattern display between the true value of cells and the difference of cell and
neighborhood average. "Randomize" will start the first row with random float values, and "Start" will start with a seed.